Values & Vision
To Serve with Wisdom and Courage
Our Mission
All Saints’ College, in partnership with its families, community and the Anglican Church, empowers students to develop their potential, becoming confident, compassionate and committed to worthwhile service to the local and global communities.
Our Vision
Making a positive difference in our world
Our Values
Empathy: seeking to understand the perspective and experience of others
Respect: for self and others, for community and environment
Integrity: acting with moral strength and grace, guided by humility and compassion
Courage: to be our best selves
Our Anglican Identity
All Saints’ College is proudly Anglican and our Anglican identity is reflected in all areas of our College life from the classroom and the stage to the sports field and community events.
Along with Anglican Schools across the country, we identify with the following common themes which emerged from a 2018 nationwide forum on Anglican Identity in schools. This was facilitated by The Rev Dr Daniel Heischmann, the previous Head of Episcopal Schools in the USA.
BELIEVING: Anglican schools are places where everyone in the school community is invited to experience God's love. Anglican schools invite all students, staff and parents to share in the story of Jesus and to share their life with others.
THINKING: Anglican schools are places where we like to think. Thinking includes asking lots of questions about our world, ourselves, other people and God, as well as listening to the questions and ideas of others.
WORSHIPPING TOGETHER: Anglican schools come together in Chapel to meet with God and each other. In Chapel we say our prayers, read the Bible, listen, sing songs together and sometimes share Holy Communion.
WELCOMING ALL: Anglican schools seek to tell the story of Jesus while also ensuring the stories of others are welcomed, heard, explored and respected.
LOVING AND HELPING OTHERS: Anglican schools provide a place where everyone in the school community can learn from the example of Jesus. Following the example of Jesus, everyone in the school community is encouraged to think of and help others.
“Anglican faith is offered to our school community – students, families, staff – as something worthy of personal exploration, study and conversation”. (Rev dr daniel heischmann)
The spiritual life of our College is a central part of who we are. Throughout their College journey, all students attend Chapel services, occasional Eucharists, and Religion and Philosophy classes. We welcome students and families from all backgrounds, all faiths and no faith to be part of our community and always encourage and enjoy respectful dialogue, sharing and listening.
Chaplaincy is an integral part of our school community, and our College Chaplain is a visible Christian presence. The Chaplain leads our regular worship services and is also available for wider community services such as funerals, weddings and baptisms. Our Chaplain is available to anyone in the College community for pastoral support and is part of the Wellbeing Team. The Chaplain also offers support and resourcing in areas of teaching and service learning.
Our current Chaplain, The Rev Liz Flanigan, has been at the College since April 2021. She is also a trained teacher and has taught English, French and Life Skills alongside her Chaplaincy role.
Our Future, Strategic Plan 2024 – 2028
At All Saints’ College, we are passionate advocates for a brighter, more inclusive future for all. Our dedication to crafting this future reflects in Boordakan Dandju – our 2024 to 2028 strategic plan that is our guiding framework, shaping both our long-term vision and our daily commitments. Boordakan Dandju, which means ‘Future Together’ in the Noongar language, encapsulates our commitment to placing relationships at the heart of everything we do, embracing a human-centred approach that honours the grace and dignity, the uniqueness, of each individual in our community; where every young person – where everyone – feels visible and valued. Building on Benang (Noongar for ‘Tomorrow’), our previous strategic plan, Boordakan Dandju is our collective vision, shaped through consultation with our community, and we are pleased to share with you this framework that is guided by, and makes space for, all about which All Saints’ College is passionate.