All Saints' College students'

Students at All Saints’ College wear a summer uniform during Terms 1 and 4, and a winter uniform in Term 2 and 3 (with weeks of transition at the start of each term, depending on the weather). 


Junior School

Our Early Childhood Centre (Pre-Kindergarten – Year 2) students wear the College Sports uniform with shorts in summer and a tracksuit in winter. They wear the striped All Saints’ t-shirt on most days of the week, and the House t-shirt usually two days a week. Early Childhood Centre students must wear white sports shoes (and College socks) or blue school sandals.


Students in Years 3 to 6 must wear their formal uniform to school each day. In Years 5 and 6, students wear a blazer during winter (Terms 2 and 3), while students in Years 3 and 4 wear a cardigan/jumper. Students in Years 3 to 6 are permitted to wear their full Sports uniform on the days they have Sport. House t-shirts are to be worn on days they have House Sport.


All students are required to have a College hat at school throughout the year. As a Cancer Council SunSmart approved school, sun protective hats (not peaked caps) are compulsory for all Junior School students and must be worn during recess and lunch breaks (peak UV times). College bathers are required for all students in Years 3–6.


Senior School

Senior School students in Years 7–12 wear the formal summer or formal winter uniform to school during the appropriate term, unless they have Sport before school or an exemption from their Head of House / Head of Transition. 


During Terms 1 and 4, the formal summer uniform for Senior School students is navy shorts and a short-sleeved College shirt (boys and girls) or a light blue dress (girls). Girls have the option of wearing shorts and a short-sleeved shirt which must be buttoned up to the bottom and worn untucked. Shoes with the formal summer uniform must be black school lace-ups with leather uppers. The Sports uniform during the summer months is College shorts and the ASC striped t-shirt. Senior School students wear their House t-shirts every Thursday and on Carnival days.


To learn more about our Senior School uniform and appearance expectations, please click on the infographics below:






Uniform Price Guide

To view the College’s uniform price guide, please see the Resources section.


For further information or enquiries, please contact Michelle Read, Uniform Shop Manager on (08) 9313 9301 or email Uniform.Shop@allsaints.wa.edu.au