In Years 9 and 10, students can select from a wide range of elective opportunities available in different semesters. These are subject to change each year.
STAND UP PADDLE BOARDING: Students will learn skills including how to leave and return to the beach safely, self-rescue techniques and numerous stroke and turning techniques on flat water.
WINDSURFING and SAILING: Will see students learn how to leave and return to the beach safely, self-rescue techniques, the ability to recognise different wind speeds and directions and how this applies to the sport, rigging and turning skills. Furthermore, during the sailing unit students will have the ability learn some of the rules to be followed while on the water and will have the opportunity to work in small groups enabling teamwork and leadership skills to be demonstrated.
RECREATIONAL SKIPPERS TICKET (RST): Students will have the opportunity to acquire their which is a qualification that is recognised for life. Students must be able to competently swim 300 metres.
SNORKELLING: Students will learn how to correctly snorkel, the various techniques involved, equipment use and maintenance. Enabling students to build confidence to be able to snorkel and swim safely at the many WA snorkelling spots in their leisure time.
ORIENTEERING: How to read a map, identifying key points and areas, how to use a compass, the rules of orienteering, how to perform at a competition level, involvement in a one day excursion and a one day competition.
ARCHERY: The techniques and skills of Archery, the correct use of equipment used in Archery and the safety components of Archery.
MOUNTAIN BIKE RIDING: How to maintain and service a bike, identifying various parts, complete an eight-point safety check, how to perform a variety of skills on various surfaces. Several river, off campus and BMX track rides.
CANOEING: The techniques and skills of canoeing, the correct use of equipment used in canoeing coupled with the safety components of canoeing on the Canning River.
SUSTAINABILITY: How to create and maintain a vegetable garden, repurposing plastic using partnerships with Millennium Kids and Propeller Enterprise, how to shred and remould plastic, conducting a sustainability audit at home and understanding the implications for current and future generations.
SURFING: Students will learn basic skills including how to paddle a board and how to stand up. A theme of water safety will be an overarching focus where students will learn to identify different wave and rip types.
ROWING: Students will learn about the parts of a boat, how to rig their craft and stroke technique.
TRIATHLON: During the unit students will develop their swimming, running and bike riding skills, and transitions between each leg. Students will have the chance to participate in an Interschool competition as individuals or as teams if they wish.
RLSS BRONZE STAR/MEDALLION QUALIFICATION: Students will have the chance to acquire their bronze star/medallion which will be valid for the year. This is a necessary requirement if students wish to obtain jobs around water environments. Students must be able to competently swim 400 metres and tread water for 10 minutes.
FISHING: How to fish, how to catch bream, how to rig your rod and associated equipment, the best fishing spots around the Swan River, to understand the implications of fish stocks and bag catch limits, how to prepare fish for cooking as well as how to cook them correctly.
ROCK CLIMBING: Students will learn the skills and techniques to climb and belay both on the College’s artificial wall and external Rock Climbing centres. An effective medium to promote responsibility for oneself and others, students will learn about equipment, communication and safety protocols.
CAMP SKILLS: How to manage yourself, your equipment and your group, how to safely recreate in the outdoors, with focus on organisation, communication skills, time management, planning, preparation and teamwork. Environmental impact on recreation areas, Mountain biking, rafting and cooking in a camp environment.
KAYAKING: Learn kayaking skills on flat water on the Swan River, safety skills, equipment management skills.
BUSH COOKING: Camp craft skills including fire lighting, cooking and hygiene, minimum impact techniques, safety skills for camping and camp craft activities.
CAMP SKILLS: How to manage yourself, your equipment and your group, how to safely recreate in the outdoors, with focus on organisation, communication skills, time management, planning, preparation and teamwork. Environmental impact on recreation areas, Mountain biking, rafting and cooking in a camp environment.
Students have the opportunity to become proactive and gain knowledge and understanding of wellbeing in the Wellness for Life elective.
This course will provide students with the tools and up to date information about Wellness to encourage them to prioritise their own wellness whilst at the College and in their future.
Students will explore several facets of teenage and adult life that can affect the overall wellness of an individual, as well as look at preventative and restorative measures in a real-world context, empowering our students to have healthy minds and healthy bodies.
The course will include, but is not limited to, the following topics:
· Pilates, Yoga and Mindfulness:
· Nutrition for best health:
· Time to get active:
· The pressures of social media and how service and gratitude can have a positive effect on wellbeing:
In this course students will be introduced to concepts such as elementary anatomy, physiology and training techniques. Students will study various sports and be introduced to a ‘game sense’ approach. This subject provides a good foundation for the requirements of Physical Education Studies at an ATAR level.