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ASC News and Blogs
Class of 2023 ATAR Results

We are pleased to celebrate with the ASC community our Year 12 cohort’s outstanding ATAR results which were released over the weekend.


While we are proudly a non-selective school that recognises that there are as many measures and definitions of ‘success’ as there are students at our richly-diverse College, it is at this time of year that we acknowledge and celebrate some wonderful academic achievements – wonderful by both state and national measures.

In that regard, we are proud to announce that:

  • 10% of our eligible cohort achieved an ATAR of 99 or above;
  • nearly a quarter (23.3%) achieved an ATAR of 95 or above;
  • almost half (45.6%) of eligible ASC students achieved an ATAR of 90 or above.

According to TISC, the median ATAR for Western Australian students this year is 83.8 and our College’s 2023 median ATAR is 88.05. 

(It is worth noting at this point that All Saints’ median ATAR is affected by the important fact that – unlike many schools – All Saints’ College chooses not to impose strict prerequisites on our students’ entry into WACE certain subjects. Obviously, this decision inevitably impacts our median ATAR, but it is for us an important principle of inclusion – allowing our students to pursue their passions – and one to which we are committed.)

2023 Dux and Proxime Accessit

While we congratulate all those ASC students who chose an ATAR pathway, we make special note of 2023 College Dux, Oliver Wright, who achieved a score of 99.9, and of our 2023 ATAR Proxime Accessit winner, Shaurya Kaushal, who achieved 99.8.

Oliver writes: “At All Saints’, you can be anything. For me, that meant a lot of things, it meant loving Maths, Science and French, but it also meant playing basketball, soccer, volleyball and more…I could always explore my own passions and not feel judged for it.

“One unique aspect of the College is its provision for students to accelerate in certain courses, enabling them to complete a subject a year ahead of schedule. I did this for Maths from Year 8. Having taken my Maths Methods WACE exam in Year 11, I was able to reduce my subjects to five in Year 12…

“Year 12 offered numerous chances to form close bonds with peers and staff… The camaraderie in Year 12 classes, with teachers and students sharing laughter and knowledge, was unforgettable.

“As I step forward into my exciting journey through university and beyond, I will forever cherish the role that All Saints’ College has played in shaping who I am today…I hope to maintain my connection with the College, embracing the status of an Old Saint, and participating in events such as reunions, Beer Bubbles and Bites and Pasar Malam.”

We congratulate Oliver and wish him well, and look forward to his ongoing connection with the College community.

Reflecting on his All Saints’ journey, our 2023 ATAR Proxime Accessit winner, Shaurya Kaushal, writes: I’ve been at All Saints since 2018, joining in Year 7, and I can confidently say these have been some of the best years of my life. Going to All Saints’ has provided me with the opportunity to create meaningful, lifelong connections with so many different people - one of the most special things about this College.

“…even though this year had its ups and downs, I always knew that I had the ASC community in my corner, ready to help me when I needed it. The teachers at this College have been amazing. They’ve given me the support I needed and more, and managed to make the classroom a productive learning environment.

“This community has allowed to do things I would’ve never dreamed of and I’m grateful that I’m a part of it.”

We thank, congratulate and wish well all the members of our Class of 2023 as they now embark upon the next chapter in their learning and lives. Well done and thank you, also, to all the families of our Class of 2023 for their support of their young people and the College across the years, and to all the ASC staff who have journeyed alongside this special cohort across their years at ASC.

We look forward to our Class of 2023’s continued association with their alma mater through the Old Saints’ Association, and by their ongoing active participation in the life of our College: Boordawhan!*

*Boordawhan: Noongar for ‘until we meet again’