Years 3 & 4

Students are encouraged to find their voice and gather skills that allow them to effectively express their ideas, opinions and thoughts.

Discover More

Junior School presentations

Growing Independence

Hear from teachers Andy Tan and Iola Knight about what makes Years 3 & 4 unique at All Saints’ College.

Click the play button on the left to watch the video, or scroll down to learn more.

Gathering Skills

Students gather skills in order to effectively express their ideas through a variety of media: oral expression, writing and the ability to solve problems. The thinking routines once again help students to deepen their understanding, and The 7 Habits - with their focus on collaboration - enable students to operate independently and with increasing effectiveness.

All Saints' College junior school
All Saints' College learning through technology
All Saints' College student collaboration

Student Voice

Students are encouraged to find their voice and express with respect and clarity their opinions and thoughts. They are encouraged to think deeply, to consider their purpose, what motivates and interests them, and how they can thus contribute positively to world.

Digital Fluency

Working collaboratively, students use devices as tools to express their thoughts and document their thinking. Students take photographs, create videos and record podcasts as ways in which they can present their learning.

Each Year 3 and Year 4 student has access to an iPad with which they build on their strengths, developing their IT knowledge to facilitate responsible digital fluency within their cohort.

Junior School students collaborating
Junior School students written work
Junior School students friendships
Junior School Students working together
Junior School creative activities
Learning through group activities

Increasing Confidence

With the confidence that comes from having gathered some useful tools, students then apply their learning in a wide variety of ways. Their research skills develop as they focus on how to find valuable information about a topic and how to present their learning to others within and beyond the College community. Independence is encouraged as teachers intentionally give students greater responsibly in all areas of their learning.